Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Coconut M&M's Are All the Rage

So, today, Jesstie & I went to the nearby "Lucky Grocery" to purchase some breakfast accoutrement.

"Lucky Grocery" is the "grocery" store across the street from "Mark's Beverage" on County Street in New Bedford, both of which happen to be ridiculously close to my house - more so than any other grocery store or liquor store. Except, in all fairness,"Mark's Beverage" is really more of a "packie" and less of a liquor store and "Lucky Grocery" is really more of a convenience store with three baskets containing some emaciated produce (onions, potatoes, garlic).

I'll paint the packie picture for you: "Mark's Beverage" puts red wines in the cooler (and some on the shelf), has chilled white wine of one variety - Cook's sparkling. In general, "Mark's Beverage" has more malt beverages than anything else; their selection of forty ounce bottles cannot be rivaled, they put your purchases in black plastic bags, and their sign proclaims that they have the "coldest beer in town."

So, "Mark's Beverage" is owned by a nice Indian man who, after the second time I went in there, told me he never needed to see my ID again, that he'd remember me after seeing me once. Very nice. Pretty sure his name isn't Mark.

"Lucky Grocery," which is directly across the street, is also owned by a nice Indian man. Despite the plethora of discount food brands and the fact that the only bacon product they sold was labeled "Economy Grade!" as if it were something to be excited about, I was pretty satisfied with "Lucky Grocery."

I selected some Wonder "stoneground" wheat bread and some Gaspar's linguica (side note: my spell check really wants "linguica" to be "linguistic") and then, as I was waiting for the nice Indian man to ring me up, Coconut M&M's caught my eye. Intrigued, Jesstie & I decided to try 'em. No, not for breakfast. Breakfast was a ridiculously delicious linguica and cheese omelet with wheat toast and dark roast coffee. Coconut M&M's didn't make an appearance at all during the course of my day, actually.

But, in passing, I did mention the Coconut M&M's to a woman I work with. It started with a candy conversation, and ended with me saying, very nonchalantly, "You know what I saw today? Coconut M&M's. So weird, right?" to which she responded, mouth gaping, arms flailing, "What? You found them!? Did you buy any? Where'd you get 'em?!"

I was, needless to say, quite surprised by her reaction. First, I laughed pretty sincerely, imagining her storming "Lucky Grocery" and the nice, reserved Indian man behind the counter, her mouth wide and drooling, her arms outstretched, chanting "Coconut M&M's!" (Okay, so I totally pictured a Coconut M&M's eating zombie version of my friend.)

Anyway, after I rid myself of that visual, I asked why it was such a big deal. Well, apparently she's been dying to try them and can't find them anywhere... and she's been looking. A lot. (She is somewhat of a Coconut M&M's eating zombie after all.)

Now, really, the point of this post is not that you should or shouldn't try Coconut M&M's. The point of this post is this:

Sometimes you don't realize how valuable the things in your life are until you find out how badly someone else wants them. And, sometimes, it makes you appreciate them more. Other times - like this time - it makes you want to share what you've got, because you know someone else might appreciate it more.

I'll be bringing my friend the bag of Coconut M&M's tomorrow. Maybe I'll stop in to "Lucky Grocery" and buy her a few more before I do...

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