Thursday, October 15, 2009

(Winter, Spring, Summer) Fall Down

Maybe not everyone is like me... but, I'm seasonally influenced.

For example: Music.

Summer music favorites include that which is fun, upbeat, with lots of clapping, shouting, and keyboards with fun choruses and happy-go-lucky spunk.

Fall music is melancholy, but still pretty, with harmony, somewhat upbeat tempo, but with instruments that are acoustic versus electronic.

Winter music can be similar to fall, but likely with a more slit-your-wrists type of vibe, more acoustic, more woe-is-me, troubled and contemplative.

Spring music is often heavy on the girl vocals, with lots of string influence and the occasional Moog.

Anyway. That's just music. My food, booze, reading, color, and extracurricular preferences change for each season as well.


Food: Soup and salad.
Booze: Whiskey or red wine.
Reading: Anything I can't put down.
Color: Eggplant and gray.
Extracurricular: Nesting, organizing; anything to promote comfort/coziness.

All of this is leading me to this point:

I am making myself melancholy.

Because it is autumn, I fall into a pattern. I listen to sad-ish music, I dress for a chill, I watch the leaves die (yes, they're pretty, but they're still disappearing), and I become hermit-like.

This is why I often think I should set movies. I can set a scene like whoa. Give me a picture, I'll give you a soundtrack.

Tonight's playlist: Belle and Sebastian, Ben Gibbard, Jeff Mangum, Neko Case, Pedro The Lion, Cat Power.

For real. I don't know if anyone knows what the above list means, musically speaking, but if you do... yeah.

If you know... you know.

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