Friday, October 9, 2009

Autumn Hiatus

Well. I became one of those people who has a blog that they don't update. How terribly annoying.

Mostly it's because of school... I have so much work to do, it leaves very little spare time for my own personal ventures.

But, that's no excuse.

In addition to sucking up all of my time, school is pretty exciting. Mostly because it's my last year. I can hardly believe it. And, though I never thought I'd say this: thesis research is fun. It means someday relatively soon I'll be a Writer. (Yes, that capital W is there on purpose.)

In other news: I'm in love with fall. In. Love.

The leaves are changing, the air is crisp, and the sun is glowing. It makes me smile. Literally.

And, for some reason, I can't stop listening to the Velvet Underground.

"I'm Sticking With You"

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