Thursday, August 20, 2009

Read All About It

Today I became:

A) a Sunday subscriber to the Boston Globe.
B) an adult.
C) the latest thing to make my mother proud.
D) all of the above.

The answer, of course, is D.

My mother will be happy, because she gets happy with those sorts of things, and I feel very officially adult-like that on Sunday mornings I'll open my front door to a heavy Globe, wrapped up in a plastic bag like a little written-word-informational burrito. (A written-word-informational burrito? What the hell?)

Oh, for those who are interested, the College Subscription is ridiculously cheap. I think it's $1.50/week and they debit your card every four weeks.

Also, the newspaper is a dying art and in an attempt to support it, and my future as a writer and perhaps journalist, I decided to buy in. I would have gotten seven day service, but I don't have time to read them all...

I also did it because I can't bear to keep reading my news online... it's just not the same.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Movie Night

I hate going to bed with sad thoughts... it means I'll dream sad dreams.

Why am I having sad thoughts, you wonder? (Well, maybe you don't wonder, but for the sake of my not having anything to say otherwise, just humor me.)

This is why:

Tonight I decided to lay low after returning home from yet another double at the restaurant.

I let the dog out and changed into pajamas, I settled in on the couch, leisurely checked out my email, then popped in my latest Netflix and painted my nails with the super-fast-drying crap that my mom thinks will kill me because of the fumes. (Note: Still living.)

Fast forward to the end of the movie. (No, not literally, just for the sake of this post.)

Everyone told me The Wrestler was so good.

Well, on the contrary, I found it extremely depressing.

In fact, I cried.

Good night.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Forward & Back

In March I moved, and now I live in the house I grew up in.

Sort of.

Well. No. I definitely live there. But, I only sort of lived there as a kid.

It was the house my best friend lived in her whole life.

Isn't it weird how things come full-circle?

Twenty-five years of friendship and now I wake up every day in her piano room.

Monday, August 17, 2009

In Tune

Another lovely day.

One part work, two parts frozen strawberry lemonade, and three parts besties.

My confidence, and thus fun-ness, has increased dramatically with this new 'do. Who said blonds more fun? Pshaw. Red stripes do.


There's a mayjah change on the horizon... I think. I just can't chat about it quite yet.

When it happens (if it happens) I'll sing it from the rooftop.

In other words... you'll know.

Get ready.


New fave band of the day is Discovery. They are sick.

Vampire Weekend + Ra Ra Riot = Discovery & Discovery = the first thing to bump the Dirty Projectors out of heavy rotation.

Listen, enjoy and dance... you will want to dance.

And you should.

Dance, that is.

Friday, August 14, 2009

It's A Jungle Out Here

Let's play a game.

The game's called: ...The Hell?!?



On my porch steps. Serious. What the eff?

I've deduced that it's some sort of bug shell with an actual living bug, but I can't tell if the living bug was once living in the shell, or if it's sucking leftover brains out of the shell or something. And, also, I think it's a cicada.


In other news: I made a drastic change in my personal appearance yesterday.

Bright red hair! I love love love it.


I'm obsessed with the Dirty Projectors album Bitte Orca.

So. Effing. Good.

Go buy it. Or at least listen to the track Stillness is the Move. You will fall in love.

Okay, that's all. Hodge podge post, hollah!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Latest and Greatest

Twenty-six years is a long time.

It's one year for every letter of the alphabet. It's the number of miles in a marathon (thanks, Wikipedia) It's as old as this old-aged news-maker. It's as long as it took for this to happen.

It's as long as I've been me. It's as long as I've thought the way I think and acted the way I act.

It takes a lot to break patterns and habits that are twenty-six years old.

But, lately, my habits are changing.

It's for sure not a bad thing (I don't think). And, some of the things are totally insignificant, but still a bit odd that they have been happening on a regular basis.

So. Here's the breakdown:

1. I've been listening to music non-stop. I really don't watch television or movies anymore. I am connected to my iPod/laptop/stereo at all times.
2. I've been sleeping ridiculously well and have crazy, REM-induced dreams every night that I remember vividly upon waking.
3. I've been walking everywhere. To work, to breakfast, to the bank, to my appointments. (Yes, I have a car.)
4. I've been saving money. Not a lot of money... but more than is typical.
5. I've not been freaked out to sleep in the house alone. I even shut off all the lights at night when I go to bed. (Yes, I said I was 26, not six, but this is a big deal for me...)
6. I've been increasingly productive and creative.
7. I've been taking a lot of photos. Mostly on my walks, or randomly when something beautiful catches my eye.

For once I'm making positive changes instead of detrimental ones... and I think they're for real.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Robin, Ash, and Cherry

I have amazing friends.

They impress me regularly with their humor, wit, patience, intelligence, creativity, strength, and general awesome-ness.

I'm such a lucky girl.

Case in point:

Yesterday, my extremely talented bestie Robin delivered to my door the table she designed and built for me.

It's beautiful.
Every time I walk into the kitchen and see her creation... I smile.

I'm so proud of Robin, so thankful for my beautiful new piece of furniture, and so eager to see what more she does... because I have no doubt that whatever it is, it will be amazing.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Back to School Shopping

Back to school shopping used to be my fave when I was a kid.

I'm reliving my childhood via online shopping. I even ordered myself a new backpack.

I know. I'm 26 and I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new backpack for the upcoming school year. Whatever.

I also bought five new tees from the best website ever.




Monday, August 3, 2009

Not My Intuition

I bought some music on iTunes this morning, and each time I selected a song, the "Genius" application built into my iTunes would suggest other songs I might like based on my purchases.

Purchases included: Crocodiles (awesome band & acquaintances, check 'em out), Bat for Lashes, St. Vincent, The Decemberists, and Vivian Girls.

Anyway, then I went to my music folder to poke around, and again, in the sidebar of my iTunes was the "Genius," suggesting that because I bought this, I should love that.

I thought, "Back off Genius, your choices aren't that awesome."

Then, I went to Netflix to check to see what cinematic adventure I could be expecting on my doorstep in a couple days, since I mailed back Milk yesterday.

Incidentally, it was The Wrestler.

Well, while I was perusing Netflix, I received a pop-up with the following recommendation:

Based on your interest in Junebug and The Squid and the Whale, here are some other critically acclaimed dysfunctional-family dramas you might like.

You know what, Netflix? I don't happen to love "dysfunctional-family dramas," and please stop trying to read my mind.

I'm getting really tired of intuitive technology telling me what I want.

What I want is to make my own decisions. Hmph.

Anyway, as I read further in my Netflix recommendation list, I realized what I found more interesting were the categories by which they were judging my movie tastes.

I would totally judge someone based on their movie-watching Netflix categories. I don't mind if you do the same.

Here's me, in a Netflix nutshell:

Independent Movies
Critically-Acclaimed Dysfunctional-Family Drama
Emotional-Fight-The-System Movies Based on Real Life
Suspenseful Underdog Movies