Monday, August 3, 2009

Not My Intuition

I bought some music on iTunes this morning, and each time I selected a song, the "Genius" application built into my iTunes would suggest other songs I might like based on my purchases.

Purchases included: Crocodiles (awesome band & acquaintances, check 'em out), Bat for Lashes, St. Vincent, The Decemberists, and Vivian Girls.

Anyway, then I went to my music folder to poke around, and again, in the sidebar of my iTunes was the "Genius," suggesting that because I bought this, I should love that.

I thought, "Back off Genius, your choices aren't that awesome."

Then, I went to Netflix to check to see what cinematic adventure I could be expecting on my doorstep in a couple days, since I mailed back Milk yesterday.

Incidentally, it was The Wrestler.

Well, while I was perusing Netflix, I received a pop-up with the following recommendation:

Based on your interest in Junebug and The Squid and the Whale, here are some other critically acclaimed dysfunctional-family dramas you might like.

You know what, Netflix? I don't happen to love "dysfunctional-family dramas," and please stop trying to read my mind.

I'm getting really tired of intuitive technology telling me what I want.

What I want is to make my own decisions. Hmph.

Anyway, as I read further in my Netflix recommendation list, I realized what I found more interesting were the categories by which they were judging my movie tastes.

I would totally judge someone based on their movie-watching Netflix categories. I don't mind if you do the same.

Here's me, in a Netflix nutshell:

Independent Movies
Critically-Acclaimed Dysfunctional-Family Drama
Emotional-Fight-The-System Movies Based on Real Life
Suspenseful Underdog Movies


  1. technology is becoming like my mother. at least technology didn't go through my garbage when i lived at home.

  2. You're right.

    At least technology doesn't call me at 8AM on a Saturday.
