Friday, August 14, 2009

It's A Jungle Out Here

Let's play a game.

The game's called: ...The Hell?!?



On my porch steps. Serious. What the eff?

I've deduced that it's some sort of bug shell with an actual living bug, but I can't tell if the living bug was once living in the shell, or if it's sucking leftover brains out of the shell or something. And, also, I think it's a cicada.


In other news: I made a drastic change in my personal appearance yesterday.

Bright red hair! I love love love it.


I'm obsessed with the Dirty Projectors album Bitte Orca.

So. Effing. Good.

Go buy it. Or at least listen to the track Stillness is the Move. You will fall in love.

Okay, that's all. Hodge podge post, hollah!


  1. it's coming out of it's itty bitty exoskeleton. and yup its a cicada. the things that make those super loud buzzing noises on hot days. ((i love love that sound..))

  2. Yes, I looooove the sound of cicadas.

    I also love the NatGeo lesson in my backyard.

    And that you helped me out with this one.

    You know me and science... not the best or most well-acquainted folk.

    So why do they make that noise, anyway?

    Nevermind. I'm googling.
