Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New Wednesday Lineup: Mom Mail

That tiny, white-haired, and really, really excited lady in the purple is my Mom.

No, we did not color coordinate.

Though, it just occurred to me that perhaps she's the reason that the only color I wear is purple. If I'm not wearing purple, I'm wearing black or gray. Most likely, I'm somehow wearing all three. She really likes purple. Hm.

I digress. Again. (I should rename this blog; A Digression would be a much more appropriate title, don't you think?)

Anyway, my mom is so damn cute, right? And, she's even more awesome than this picture illustrates.

That being said, I'm instituting a Wednesday tradition here at FGS: Mom Mail.

It's kind of like "Tyra Mail," I guess. Now, when I write that, I expect you to imagine a gaggle of 50 pound "models" screaming it as they run to a nondescript white envelope on a pedestal; a light is shining down from above and a choir is singing. Divine communication. Wretch.

Like I said... kind of like "Tyra Mail," but not really at all. Mostly it's only like "Tyra Mail" because both concept names involve the word "mail." My Mom Mail will be way, way more awesome. And, there is no drawn out elimination ceremony, nor will my Mom criticize you if you walk like a horse or can't smile with your eyes.

The deal is that I save all the emails Mom sends me in a folder. Why? Because they're awesome.

For the past few years, my mom & stepdad have lived in Vermont. In the next few months they're moving back down to my neck of the woods in Massachusetts, so the possibility exists that the emails will slow down some; before, they were my Mom's preferred means of keeping in touch despite the vast distance between us, and her preferred means of keeping me up to date on all things nature, and all things Vermont.

So, I'm starting from the oldest email I have in the folder and I'll work my way forward. I hope you enjoy.

So, here we go. The first of many Mom Mail moments.

Sent: 5/28/06
Subject: chicks and rainbows

my darling ...i hope these entice you to come up soon.xoxox,mom


  1. Your mom is awesome. The picture of her holding the little chick next to Josie (did I get her name right??) is classic.

  2. i think your mom is the cutest mom ever.
