Friday, June 5, 2009

Weather I Mean To Or Not

I'm a creature of my environment; my mood is in direct correlation to the weather.

I have my own take on Ghiorse Factor that corresponds directly to how happy, depressed, tired, energetic, ambitious and motivated I am due to the weather conditions.

Hence, if the weather is.... (insert number here) ... then I am ... (see correlating mood).

0-4 Unmotivated, Lethargic, Listless, Depressed
5-7 Slightly Motivated, Unhappy, Generally Foul & Negative
8-10 Insatiably Motivated, Excitable, In Love With Life, Hopeful & Positive

These past few days I've been running at anywhere from a 0 to a 6. It's really wretched, and I'm awaiting the bright, sunshiny, blossoming days of summer, that I just know can turn my mood in mere moments, so I can remember what 8-10 feels like.

So, let's dwell on some small things that up the factor a bit, shall we?

1. Time spent with an old friend means good company, good conversations, and good cuddles; it doesn't really matter what's going on outside. (+4 points)

2. My Girls. They're always on the list, no matter what. And we managed to spend all of last Saturday, which was gorgeous, together & outside. Lovely. (+5 points)

3. Guilty pleasures. I will say nothing further, but know that there is some reality television on the unspoken list... I know, I know. (+2 points)

4. The Dogs. They do make me slightly crazy, but they are each other's bestie & I know Kota is so happy to see Sammy when he comes over. And, they provide endless entertainment. Oh, and they cuddle too. (+3 points)

So... I just thought I should sum this up and admit that I'm pretty much I'm a sucker for anyone/thing that cuddles. Right.

5. Hope. I always have it, and I'll rely on it forever. (+5 points)

Alright, alright, a little mushy for my taste, too, but I can't help it. It's true...

6. My galoshes. The only thing worse than a bad mood and a rainy day is a bad mood, a rainy day, and wet, cold feet. Ugh.

7. My rainy day playlist: The Ladybug Transistor, The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, !!!, MGMT, Morrissey, Jenny Lewis, The Violent Femmes, Passion Pit.... etc.

I'm off now. I'll be at K's for a bit, for dinner & a good laugh as is our usual.

I'm wearing my galoshes out tonight - fashion faux pas or not - and, you know what? I'm going to jump in every puddle I pass.

That adds a few points to today's Katie Factor, which as of right now is running at about a 7 - weather begone.


1 comment:

  1. yeah. this weather blows. i'm living like a hermit in my man cave.
