Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Double Edged Sword

My friends have always been my life.

My friends have always been my reason, my exception, my acceptance, my reconciliation, and my purpose.

I have many, I know, I'm lucky that way. However, there are a select few who I am more reliant upon than others. It is those friends who I turn to on a night that I want to just be alone.

I want to be alone; I'm bummed, I'm slightly depressed, I'm practicing avoidance. The solution? Get The Girls. And when I do? I feel one hundred times better.

They are the reason I smile. They are the reason I can talk it out. They are the reason why I can laugh about it all later.

Tonight, it was dinner at M's house, a newly founded tradition, now that we don't live together and M has a house that isn't... mine. She's so hospitable, always welcoming, always ready. I'm impressed.

I was planning on going to dinner, had RSVP'd "yes," invited a guest and then, stayed a bit longer with J after work. K came, too, and the three of us spent some time talking. That was followed by the planned dinner at M's which was awesome, and even more entertaining & enlightening than I expected it to be.

But, as great as it was, I still left with one thing on my mind: I miss my friends.

Maybe I wouldn't miss them so much if they weren't so awesome.

But, they are.

Double edged, lucky me.


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