Friday, May 22, 2009

Just Another Weekend Scene

What better way to start the long weekend than to sit on the couch with J & watch bad television with one (okay, nearly two) bottles of chardonnay?

Wait, I can think of a better way to start the long weekend (heavy sarcasm): Posting on my blog three times in one day. Actually, it might even be four posts by now. I think it is. I think there have been four. Yeesh. One posting for each of the people who might read it today. Oh, eff, I hate math. Well, posting is what the blogosphere receives as evidence of a long, slow day at the office and a leisurely night on the couch.

In actuality, I need not lament about the way I'm handling my Long Weekend, because, guess what? I don't have weekends, I work them. So there.

Every weekend is exactly the same. I dress all in black, I wear an apron, I smile and say things like, Absolutely! and Sounds awesome! or For sure! and then, still smiling, I turn around and walk away thinking That does not sound awesome... and then, at the computer, I reach the gaggle of girls who are also wearing all black and wearing aprons and I say You wouldn't believe what that asshole at twenty-two wants... and then we laugh and I head back to twenty-two and I say, Here you are, sir! with a huge smile that says Please tip me 20%, you demanding sonofabitch. And, he will, 'cause I'm good at my job.

So, you know what? Pretty much this means I can waste as much of my Long Weekend as I want. Wine. Dinner. Couch. Television. Whatever.

Ahem. Sorry for the work related rant...

Anyway, I also cooked dinner tonight. A dinner that was supposed to be a replication of a meal J & I had in Philadelphia. It ended up being not-totally-dry broccoli rabe in a salad with other wet veggies and some super-dry chicken. It looked fantastic. Not that it didn't taste good... but, really, you had to eat the wet-rabe together with the dry chicken so that it tasted as if it was at a normal hydration level. Again, mathmatics. Point taken: That Ikea salad spinner isn't really cuttin' it.

Anyway, none of it really mattered because the sourdough was crunchy, fresh and delicious, the brie was perfectly soft, the wine was chilled and crisp, and the company was fantastic. Even the dogs behaved for a bit.

Oh, how I love Friday Night Date Night.

So, happy Long Weekend. That is, if you find the thematic social pressure related to national observances applicable to you.

For some additional humor, peruse here.


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