Friday, July 24, 2009

Death Becomes Her

So, tonight while I was driving home amidst sheets - yes, sheets - of pouring rain, I had an epiphany.

It came to me, suddenly, while I sat at the slowest-changing light in all of Downtown - which, for those who care to know, is at the intersection of Route 6 & Pleasant Street.

I must pause now for a rant about this particular traffic light.

It takes forever. It's no wonder I always become contemplative at that intersection - it takes so damn long to turn green. And why must I always catch the red light, anyway? It doesn't stay green for as long as it stays red, clearly, or else I'd get the green one more often... right? Right.


So, I was at the light, watching the pouring rain fall in waves. The rain hit the shiny, well-lit pavement in time with the hazard lights that I could see flashing on the other side of the intersection. The lights were coming from a yellow cab, which was pulled over to the side of the road, it's lights flashing.

Moments passed and I was still waiting for the light to change to green. While I waited, I watched the rain, and the taxi, and then my mind started to wander.

Now, when I say "wander," what I really mean is that I started coming up with one of my imaginative, inventive interpretations of real life..

Case in point, this is what I imagined while I waited at the red light: That cab driver is totally being mauled and killed by a serial killer passenger, who will moments from now click off the hazards and drive away with the body of the taxi driver lumped to the floor in the front, then promptly pick up some thankful, sopping wet girl who has lost her umbrella and is walking to the next bar to meet her friends. He will pick her up, and then he will kill her, too.

All this because I saw some hazards on a taxi. I know. I'm fucked up.

But... the point is: my imagination is hardcore, and often I am capable of thinking of the worst possible things in a very short amount of time, with very little inspiration.


I should write horror!

I can't believe it never occurred to me before.

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