Thursday, July 2, 2009

Ten Things

In no particular order, for no particular reason, here you are:

1. I'm tired of hearing people complain about the rain. It's New England weather; it does whatever it wants. Get over it. Yes, I want summer, too, but nothing can be done.

2. I'm becoming mentally antsy... it's time to start writing again, and not just in blog format.

3. The mantra Let It Go must become more of a presence in my life. It applies to everything, and I need to practice it more readily.

4. I have a flat tire; my car is sitting outside my house. I haven't dealt with it yet, and I should have done so by now. Welcome to My Anxiety.

5. July Fourth is in two days. Two. Where has the time gone?

6. I promised myself I would do something incredible in August... but what? Any ideas?

7. Sometimes being a bad liar doesn't pay off. I share my opinion a bit too readily, and I need to realize that omitting an opinion is sometimes kinder than sharing one.

8. I need a roommate. Seriously. For real. Soon.

9. Fresh eggs are 100% better than store-bought eggs & I found a local source, so now I don't have to wait for visits from or to my parent's house. Yay.

10. Dating is fun. (Smile.)


  1. 2 - I get like this often. And yeah, blogging doesn't cut it - at all. I wish you luck. Maybe 6 should be a writing retreat somewhere, like one you create: Pick a place that sounds inspiring and just go. I mean, that may require 4 being dealt with, and more anxiety in the short term, but. . . it's a thought. : )

    And I love 3. I have one that's similar, about staying in the moment. It helps in every situation, and yet I still have trouble following it! LOL.

  2. Good idea: a writing retreat. Though, yes, the anxiety issue does often create larger hurdles than necessary... "mountains out of molehills" as my mother would say.

    There's only one solution, though, and that's to remain faithful to my mantra & Let It Go!
