Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tag, You're It

So, among my weird anxieties there exists one about being chased which translates into my refusal to participate in any games which require chasing - such as tag, dodgeball or manhunt.

But, I mean, really, in my defense, who the eff wants to play a game called manhunt anyway? A game is supposed to be fun, it is not supposed to imply hunting other humans. Geesh.

But, then again, what's dating but hunting your preferred gender? Hm. I'm channeling a moment in Wedding Crashers here, I think. In fact, I'm sure I am. The quail scene... anyone? Anyway, I digress.

Okay, so the point is: I do not like being chased.

Oh, also, I hate go karts and things of that nature, as well. Just, basically, whatever you do - don't chase me. Don't chase me on foot, don't chase me with a ball, don't chase me in a little tiny car. Thanks.

So, anyway, my realization for today is that, in fact, I do enjoy some chasing every now and again. However, I like the proverbial chase, not the literal one.

If you say you aren't chasing me, I'll want you to. If you are chasing me, I'll wish you weren't.

Ah, this is so me: the ever fickle, ever searching-for-greener-pastures, ever unsure, ever uphill-battling.

Settle? Nope. Contentment? Nuh-huh. How about a difficult journey? Now you're on to something! How about a difficult journey that will make you question everything, run you through a gamut of emotions, and never actually resolve at a conclusion? Oooooh. Yes! Pick me! Pick me!

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